Monday, February 22, 2010

Compo2010 / Thinfilms 2010

Just in case it is of your interest, here is some information about a conference....


The 1st International Conference on Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites (Compo2010) in conjunction with Thinfilms2010 will be held in Harbin, China on 11-14 July 2010. Attached please find call for paper flyer for Compo2010. Please forward the conference flyer to your contact list. For more details, please visit the conference website:
The selected papers will be published in Polymer and Polymer Composites

The deadline of abstract submission is by 15 March. Please feel free to submit your valuable work through

Important Deadlines:

· Abstract submission: 15 March 2010

· Notice of acceptance: 31 March 2010

· Early bird registration: 31 May 2010

· Full manuscript: 20 June 2010 (for proceeding)

· Poster competition submission: 1 July 2010 sharp

· Full manuscript: 16 July 2010 (for selection to publish in Polymer and Polymer composites)

Looking forward to seeing you in Harbin.

Thanks a lot!


Prof. Xiaodong He

Director, Center for Composite Materials and Structures

Associate Dean, School of Astronautics

Harbin Institute of Technology

Conference Secretary for Compo2010 and Thinfilms2010

Associate Prof. Yibin Li

Center for Composite Materials and Structures

Harbin Institute of Technology


Friday, February 19, 2010

DELAT project, 1st Technical Note delivered

The first technical note of the DELAT project has been delivered today. The DELAT project (DELamination Assessment Tool) is a technology research project for the European Space Agency (ESA). AMADE participate in this project together with other universities and industrial companies. You can find more information about the project at:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

AMADE & AIRBORNE on catalan TV!

AIRBORNE i "un grup de recerca de la Universitat de Girona" han sortit avui al TN comarques (a partir del minut 5:43):

Saturday, February 13, 2010



March 5, 2010
Starting Time: letter of intent due

ACI Spring 2011 Convention
Tampa, FL USA

Sponsor(s):ACI Committee 440


Meeting: 10th International Symposium on “Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,” during the ACI Spring 2011 Convention, April 2-4, 2011, Tampa, FL; sponsored by ACI Committee 440, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement.

Solicited: Any topic on FRP materials or products used to repair, strengthen, or reinforce concrete and masonry structures. Topics include but are not limited to: global codes and standards; sustainability of FRP reinforced concrete structures; emerging FRP systems; design and performance of FRP reinforced concrete under sustained and fatigue loading; effect of environment on durability; bond of FRP bars, grids, and laminates to concrete; strengthening of concrete structures using FRP systems; field applications and case studies; seismic resistance of concrete structures using FRP materials; effects of extreme events on FRP reinforced structures; and testing of FRP material characteristics.

Requirements: Submit the paper title, a one-sentence description, and author name(s), organization, address, telephone, and e-mail. Titles and descriptions will be reviewed to ensure the material is consistent with the conference. Acceptance of the letter of intent does not constitute acceptance of the paper. Presentations are limited to one per presenter. Presentation of the paper at the conference is contingent on publication of the paper in the proceedings.

Deadlines: Letters of intent should be submitted via e-mail by March 5, 2010. Upon acceptance of the topic, authors will be provided paper preparation instructions. Manuscripts are due June 4, 2010.

Send to: E-mail letter of intent to

For more information, contact:

ACI Committee 440





The Seventh Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials
November 15 - 18, 2010 Taipei, Taiwan


On behalf of the Scientific Committee of the 7th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-7), we are pleased to extend the call for abstracts to you and you are welcomed to be a part of this outstanding program by submitting an abstract. For your convenience, the formatting and submission guidelines have been listed in the below section. All abstracts should be submitted via the ACCM-7 website at For those unable to access the website or having difficulty with the online submission system, additional assistance can be obtained by contacting the secretariat or you may find the Abstract Submission Form enclosed to process your submission. The deadline for abstract submission is MARCH 31, 2010. The following information is regarding abstract preparation and topics.

Category of Abstracts

The topics of ACCM-7 will cover all aspects of composite materials and structures including the areas listed below.

w Aging, Moisture and Viscoelastic Properties

w Biomedical Composites & Bio-Mimetic Materials

w Ceramic Composites

w Composites for Fuel Cells & Solar Energy

w Computational Mechanics & Multi-Scale Modeling

w Durability & NDE/ Structures & Health Monitoring

w Friction and Wear of Composites

w Impact & Dynamic Response / Fracture, Fatigue & Damage Mechanics

w Industrial Applications (Aerospace, Aircraft, Automotives, Vehicles & Infrastructures)

w Interfaces & Interphases

w Joining and Repair of Advanced Composites

w Metal Matrix Composites

w Nanocomposites & Multi-Functional Composites / Smart Materials

w Nano-Reinforcement & CNT

w Natural Fibers & Green Composites

w New Materials (Resin, Reinforcement, Fillers, Additives…)

w ONR Research in Composites

w Processing & Manufacturing Technologies

w Sandwich Structure

w Technology Transfer

w Testing : Mechanics & Methods, etc…

w Textile Composites

w Wind Energy Materials

w Others (Flexible Electronics Devices / Composite Materials for Semiconductor, TFT LCD, 3C, etc…)

Important Dates of Submission

w Deadline for Submission of Abstract: March 31, 2010

w Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2010

w Deadline for Submission of Manuscript and Early Bird Registration: August 31, 2010

Abstract Preparation Guidelines

Contributions on all aspects of composite materials and structures are invited for oral/poster presentations at the conference. A succinct ONE-PAGE abstract (in MS-Word format) that contains enough detail to clearly convey the approach and the results of your research is required.

Language - All abstracts are to be written in English.

Format – Please refer to the ACCM-7 Abstract Template and Abstract Sample to prepare your abstract.

w Must be 300 words or less

w Authors’ names, affiliations and email addresses should be included.

w Abstract that is suitable for publication and give a maximum of 5 keywords

Presentation Type – Preference for ORAL or POSTER presentation should be indicated in your submission.

Best Student Paper Awards

This award is open for 1) graduate students 2) fresh PhD students to encourage their excellence on their research and great contribution to the ACCM-7. The application of the award must be submitted along with the abstract submission and the copy of the student identification is required as well.

Any submission-related inquiry, please contact us directly.

ACCM-7 Conference Secretariat

Ms. Stella Shih

Tel: +886-2-8502-7087 ext. 14 | Fax: +886-2-8502-7025 | E-mail:

AMADE on catalan TV and radio

El proper dilluns dia 15 està previst que a l'informatiu comarques de TV3 aparegui una notícia (uns 80 segons) sobre la interacció AMADE - AIRBORNE com a exemple de la sinèrgia entre un centre de recerca i una empresa.
Igualment, en els propers dies sortirà un tall de no sé quina durada en els informatius de Catalunya Ràdio sobre el mateix tema.

(source: Josep Costa)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt 2010)

2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt 2010), to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 6-9, 2010.

The main goal of EngOpt conferences is to periodically bring together engineers, applied mathematicians and computer scientists working on research, development and practical application of optimization methods applied to all engineering disciplines or developing basic techniques in this field.

Contributions on Engineering Optimization, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Inverse Problems, Engineering Analysis Involving Optimization Techniques and Basic Optimization Techniques in all engineering disciplines are invited. Practical applications are strongly encouraged.

Visit the conference website at, for up-to-date information about the conference objectives, topics, venue and submission procedure.

Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: March 5, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: April 2, 2010
Full Paper Submission: June 4, 2010 (with reference to GMT)

Comptest 2011 (14-16 February 2011)

5th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification 14-16 February 2011 EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of model parameter identification of composite materials and linking experiments to computations. Particular attention will be given to :

* innovative identification procedures in static and dynamic conditions for linking theory to experiments
* identification via in-situ structural monitoring
* use of embedded sensors and/or actuators
* novel mixed theoretical/experimental identification procedures

All composite materials may be addressed.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is on August 31, 2010

For full details, please visit the Conference Website.